PhD Dissertation Defense |
bioinformatics, computer graphics, visualization, News |
extreme weather, Spatial extremes, Statistics of extremes, News |
novel methodology, piezoelectric generators, power output, News |
Environmental Statistics, statistics, water security, News |
extreme statistics, statistics, News |
Statistical Modelling, Tsunamis, water waves, Graduate Seminar |
statistics, wind, News |
Graduate Seminar |
News |
Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
applied mathematics, bioengineering, Seminar |
Biological systems, Graduate Seminar |
Front Page |
Cooperative communications, jouf university, Rayleigh-Gaussian model, Seminar |
Public Colloquium |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Seminar |
May 14, 16:00 - 17:00, Models, Methods, Applications: HPC in Medicine, Science, Engineering, and AI (B3 L5 R5209), Rolf Krause, Professor, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences
AI, machine learning, medicine, Public Colloquium |
HKUST, machine learning, nonconvex stochastic optimization, statistics, Seminar |
Seminar |
embedded systems, Time-of-flight |
chemical science, electrical engineering, gas monitoring, MOFs, sensors, News |
Gas Sensors, MOFs, News |
adaptive control, Control Theory, robotics |
Big data analysis, machine learning, Optimal Regularization of Linear System, Random Matrix Theory, Sensor networks, Signal processing |
Information theory, Physical layer security, Wireless Communications |
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics |
biomedical applications, cardiovascular, Estimation, fractional-order derivative, Signal processing |
Detection Algorithms, Massive MIMO, Signal processing |
Machine learning applications for wireless communication systems, Next generation wireless communications, UAV-enabled Communication Systems |
high performance computing, reconfigurable computing |
Elastodynamic waves, Graphene, metamaterials, optics, phononics, plasmonics |
GaN, nanomaterials, optoelectronics, photonics |
artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Computer Vision, MiniGPT |
Communication Theory, data science, Signal processing, Wireless Communications |
High Performance Computing, reconfigurable computing |
3D Shape Creation, 3D Shape Manipulation, computer graphics, Molecular Dynamics, Scientific Visualization, visualization |
Acoustic sensing and communications, acoustic signal detection, Digital signal processing, Indoor positioning and navigation, IoT, Movement detection and tracking using RF and acoustic waves., Ultra-wideband communication, wearable electronics, wearables |
Adaptive modulation and coding, channel estimation, cognitive radio, Localization, Massive MIMO Systems, Relaying and cooperative networks, space-time coding, Synchronization., ultrasound ranging, Waveform design for advanced multicarrier systems |
cognitive radio systems, communications, FD-MIMO, modulation schemes, optical wireless communication systems |
Spotlight, News |
Optical communications |
Control Theory, Controller design, solar collectors |
automation, Control Theory, intelligent systems, Reinforcement Learning |
Active Distribution Network, Hardware in Loop, IEC 61850 standard based communication, Power System Communication |
CMOS integrated circuits, Digital signal processing |
laser, optoelectronics, spectroscopy |
agricultural robotics, automation |
data mining, machine learning |
numerical analysis, scientific computing |
Cooperative relay network, wireless sensor networks |
Catastrophic communication, Communication in extreme environments, machine learning, Non-Terrestrial Networks |
Bayesian Compressive Sensing, cloud-native for B5G, machine learning, node clustering, Radar imaging, Signal processing, Ultra-wideband communication |
inkjet printed devices, sensors, tuning chemistry of electronic ink |
AI, BLE communication, Neural Networks, Python |
machine learning, Signal and Image Processing, wireless communications. |
laser, optics, optoelectronics |
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics |
artificial intelligence, embedded systems, Frequency selective surfaces, IoT |
chaotic systems, computer arithmetic, Memory, memristor, neuromorphic computing, ray-tracing |
cloud computing, IoT, statistical signal processing, Wireless Communications, wireless sensor networks |
ultra low power CMOS logic devices |
Indoor localization, News |
bio-corrosion, marine metagenomics, Microbial profiling, microbiome, water quality |
control, machine learning, UAV |
analog electronics, image processing, machine learning |
Deep learning, neural network |
Arabic natural language processing |
adaptive control, Aerial Robotics, Reinforcement Learning, UAV |
composite magnets, MEMS, transducers |
communication networks, Intelligent Transportation Systems, millimeter-wave communications, Performance analysis, wireless networks |
Cooperative and cognitive systems, Robust adaptive beamforming, Statistical and array signal processing |
communication, Hand Gestures Recognition, indoor localization systems, machine learning, signal design, Ultrasonic-based Localization, underwater acoustic localization |
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics |
underwater optical communications |
applied mathematics, Discontinuous Galerkin, entropy analysis, High Performance Computing, nonlinear stability, Physics-informed Neural Networks, SBP-SAT operators |
medical electronics., Signal processing |
integrated optics, optical fiber communications, photonics, News |