integrated optics, optical fiber communications, photonics, semiconductor optoelectronic devices |
chaotic systems, Memory, memristors, News |
chaotic systems, Memory, memristor, Spotlight, News |
smart grids, software development |
Applications, electronic system, Signal processing for Wireless Networks |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, distributed computing |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Gas Sensors, In-situ Agriculture Applications, MoO3, Soil Moisture Microsensor, News |
data integration, human bioinformatics, machine learning, network-based approaches |
data integration, human bioinformatics, machine learning, News |
News |
C++, containers, cybersecurity, Internship, Linux, operating systems, Python |
Public Colloquium |
laser, monolithic, Quantum Dots, Seminar |
monolithic integration, QD laser |
monolithic, Seminar |
Monolithic Quantum Devices, Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
Course |
Course |
Course |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Monte Carlo, state-space models, Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
climatology, earth science and engineering, modeling, Red Sea, News |
numerical analysis, statistics, stochastic differential equations, News |
machine learning, Research Design of Caching Systems using Stochastic Geometry, Statistical Modeling, Stochastic Geometry, wireless networks |
Computer Vision, machine learning |
Circuit, circuit design, electronics, power electronics |
News |
News |
News |
composite magnets, energy harvesting, wireless powering, Spotlight, News |
Perovskites, News |
artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, Computer science, protein function prediction, News |
News |
Knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, News |
Computer science, News |
bioinformatics, machine learning, News |
News |
News |
News |
Discriminant analysis., OFDM System, Random Matrix Theory, Signal Applications, Statistical and array signal processing |
Compressive Sensing, Distribution Agnostic Bayesian Estimation of Sparse Signals, machine learning, Massive MIMO, Physical layer security |
big data analytics, data security |
embedded systems, energy harvesting, multiphase meters, oil and gas sensors |
embedded systems, energy harvesting, oil and gas sensors, Spotlight, News |
IMS, News |
News |
machine learning, neural network |
Antennas, CMOS RFICs, Microwave circuits |
antenna arrays, Microwave circuits, sensors, Spotlight, News |
convex optimization, Performance analysis of wireless systems, statistical signal processing |
Operational Research, Transportation Theory |
CMOS, flexible, nanoelectronics, News |
5G, antenna arrays |
wireless sensor networks |
AI for healthcare, communication networks, molecular communication, security and reliability analysis of next generation communication networks, Terahertz communications |
Cooperative diversity systems, Green communications, Wireless Communications |
Statistical Signal Processing and Adaptive Filtering |
Computational biology, population genetics, Signal processing |
computational electromagnetics, RFICs |
control systems, Digital, smart grids |
communication systems, Localization, technology advancements. |
Monte Carlo sampling |
Seminar |
News |
Monte Carlo, Seminar |
Cyber attacks and defenses, cybersecurity, Graduate Seminar |
Multiphysics Simulation, Graduate Seminar |
game theory, Multi-Agent Decision Making, Multi-Robot Learning/Coordination, RobotoKAUST, Conference |
Graduate Seminar |
Course |
Multifunctional Electronic Devices, Graduate Seminar |
Laser-scribed graphene, PhD Dissertation Defense |
neuromorphic computing, smart memory devices, Graduate Seminar |
Monte Carlo, Multigrid, Public Colloquium |
Monte carlo methods, PhD Dissertation Defense |
Applied Machine Learning, Bayesian computational technique, Graduate Seminar |
Kalman filter |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Multilevel Monte Carlo, Seismic Wave Propagation, News |
Graduate Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Multimodal Video Analysis, Graduate Seminar |
geologic media, heterogeneous, Multiphase flow, Public Colloquium |
Multiphysics Simulation, Graduate Seminar |
computational physics, electromagnetics, electronic transport, nanostructures, photoconductive antennas, Graduate Seminar |