PhD Dissertation Defense |
Circuits, FPGA, smo, News |
Circuits, fractals, microactuators, News |
data mining, machine learning |
aeroacoustics, aerodynamics, computational fluid dynamics |
Deep learning, Multi-Agent Decision Making, Multi-agent systems, Robotics and Control |
environmental modeling, Environmental Statistics, Geomorphology, landslide susceptibility modeling |
Computer Systems Security, drones, Mobile robotics |
Continuum Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics |
Acoustics, PDE, simulation |
News |
bioinformatics, data mining |
multimodal model, smart health |
Lyapunov equations, Graduate Seminar |
nanomaterials, optoelectronics |
wireless mesh networks |
machine learning, News |
Graduate Seminar |
artificial intelligence, big data, Computer science, machine learning, News |
machine learning, Graduate Seminar |
communication systems, machine learning, Seminar |
News |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Conference |
News |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, photonics, PhD Dissertation Defense |
Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
contextual constraints, Deep learning, machine learning, modeling, popularity bias effect, quality recommendation, recommender systems, PhD Dissertation Defense |
algorithms, Computer science, machine learning, News |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Lecture |
artificial intelligence, explainable AI framework, machine learning, Seminar |
Spotlight |
Alternative sources of energy, Cognitive radio network |
machine learning, metamaterials, wave propagation |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
electrical engineering, sensors, News |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
acoustic noise, acoustic pulses, acoustic signal detection, acoustic signal processing, Biosensors, News |
internet of things security |
energy efficiency, renewable energy, smart grids |
bioinformatics, data mining, Deep learning, machine learning |
cognitive radio |
cybersecurity, network security |
reconfigurable computing |
Applications, Graph Theory, Random Matrix Theory, Randomly Projected Regression |
on-chip antennas |
bioelectronics, Implantable devices, Rectifiers, RFICs, wireless powering |
rf signals, Wireless sensors, News |
bioelectronics, Implantable devices, wireless powering, Spotlight, News |
quantum computing, supercomputing |
Adaptive communication systems, UAV-based communications, Visible light communications |
goodness-of-fit tests, multivariate statistics, skewed distributions, Time Series |
Robotics and Control, Robotics Communication, Underwater communication |
machine learning, structural bioinformatics, synthetic biology |
cybersecurity |
Graph Theory, Parallel and Distributed Computing |
Dynamical Systems, Liquid Crystals, non-linear partial differential equations |
microfluidics, nanowires, sensors, News |
Graduate Seminar |
data, neuroscience, News |
statistics, Spotlight, Awards, News |
Federated learning, Seminar |
Acoustics, applied mathematics, computational science, statistics, News |
Graduate Seminar |
applied mathematics, climatology, statistics, News |
COVID-19, multi-scale 3D visualization, SARS-CoV-2 visualization, visual computing, News |
electrical engineering, materials science, semiconductors, News |
applied mathematics, coding, computational science, gene, genomics, News |
electrical engineering, electronics, News |
Wireless communication theory |
Computer science education, nature-inspired algorithms, Parallel and Distributed Computing |
Metasurfaces, Wireless power transfer |
Applied Machine Learning, Deep learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Functional Time Series |
News |
Computer Vision., IoT, machine learning |
compositional, extraction, flow, geothermal, Managing, reservoir, Simulations, Subsurface, Public Colloquium |
combustion chemistry, computational simulations, quantum chemistry |
fractional order capacitors, Gas Sensors, memristors, nano fabrication and characterization |
bayesian inference, markov chains, nonlinearity, Seminar |
acoustic waves, magnetization, Graduate Seminar |
News |
Schottky barrier diodes, News |
discrete maximum principle, flux-corrected transport, transport equation |
Kalman filter, Monte Carlo, Multi-index, multilevel, News |
News |