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artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Seminar
Langevin dynamics, machine learning, optimization, probability theory, statistics
astronomy, extreme computing, telescope, News
astronomy, NVIDIA, PASC, singular-value-decomposition-MOAO, telescope, News
PhD Dissertation Defense
machine learning, reconfigurable computing
Compressive Sensing, high dimensional statistics, mathematical optimization, statistical learning, statistical signal processing, Wireless Communications
IoT, RF energy harvesting, News
Deep learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, machine learning, mathematics
PhD Dissertation Defense
AI, Computer Vision, Deep learning, Reinforcement Learning
artificial intelligence, Biomedical Informatics, data mining, machine learning
artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, genomics, News
biotechnology, healthcare
electrical engineering, nanomaterials, News
control systems, dynamical modeling, Multi-agent systems, robotics, Time Scale Theory
Graduate Seminar
Graduate Seminar
bioscience, petroleum technology
Networekd Flying Platforms, NOMA, Vehicular Communications
acoustic signal processing, Remote Operation Vehicles, Underwater acoustic and optical communication
Underwater communication
Analog circuits, RF engineering, Signal processing
communication networks, communications
2D materials, sensors
Galois, Structures, Lecture
automation and embedded systems design, communication systems, machine learning, mobile applications development, Signal processing, web development
data mining, recommender systems
inkjet printing, RFID
GaN-based LED
Desing of UAV-based Wireless Networks, wireless networks
Front Page
Bayesian computational statistics, Deep learning, Graduate Seminar
Front Page
data analysis, statistical analysis, Stochastic Modeling, Seminar
bayesian analysis, Seminar
bayesian inference, sequential Monte Carlo, Seminar
bayesian inference, extreme-value theory, spatial statistics, spatio-temporal statistics, PhD Dissertation Defense
spectral density function, PhD Dissertation Defense
Laplace approximation, Seminar
Laplace approximation, Multilevel Monte Carlo, Thesis Defense
Bayesian Statistics, nonparametric statistics, Seminar
internet of things security, Seminar
robotokids2021, Spotlight
big data, Environmental Statistics, statistics, News
advanced semiconductors, News
numerical analysis, uncertainty quantification
inkjet-printed antennas
electronic circuits, healthcare technologies, News
artificial intelligence, machine learning, semantic analysis, UAV
Spatial extremes, spatial statistics, statistics, Spotlight, News
Computer Vision, CVPR, high-tech startup, robotics, News
machine learning, MIMO digital signal processing, Wireless Communications, News
magnetic nanowires, Scanning Electron Microscopy, News
News Clip, News
geospatial statistics, health surveillance, statistics, News
Federated learning, Optimization for Machine Learning, PhD Dissertation Defense
aerodynamics, applied mathematics, computational science, fluid dynamics, News
electrical engineering, sensors, News
algorithm, simulation, UAV, News
Integration, Lighting, Miniaturization, Nitride-based, Solid-State, Visible LEDs, Graduate Seminar
botnets, C2C, command and control, malware, Graduate Seminar
photodetector, News
Deep learning, machine learning, optimization
Thesis Defense
molecular spectroscopy, Optical sensors
big data, Big data analysis, evolutionary biology, Conference