Course |
Course |
Course |
Course |
Course |
Course |
Seminar |
Arabic natural language processing, Seminar |
News |
Water Cut Sensors, News |
adaptive methods, High-order FEM, Public Colloquium |
Public Colloquium |
Computer architecture, Seminar |
Conference |
algorithms, Ariadne, safe autonomy, unproven, Graduate Seminar |
News |
convex optimization, Deep learning, machine learning |
machine learning, Mechanical Engineering, robotics |
Conference |
Ultra-wide band Fractal Antennas |
computational statistics, Environmental Statistics, spatial statistics, Statistical Modeling, Statistics of extremes |
distributed systems, machine learning, Neural Networks |
Graduate Seminar |
News |
conditional expectation, Deep learning, Inverse problem, Nonlinear Filtering, weather forecast, News |
deep random feature networks, layer- by-layer algorithm, residual network, supervised learning, News |
Research |
Conference |
News |
News |
artificial intelligence, Seminar |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Conference |
News |
News |
data mining, machine learning |
bioinformatics, cheminformatics, computer networks, text mining |
biomedical data, computational methods, silico toxicology, text mining, News |
nanofabrication |
cloud computing, distributed systems, IoT, machine learning |
Analysis of PDE's, Higher-gradient viscoelasticity, Hyperbolic-Parabolic Systems, Viscoelasticity |
Control Theory, Controller design, Fractional calculus, inverse problems |
Controller design, Free Space Optics, modeling, Signal processing |
power electronics |
big data, machine learning |
Biosensors, Circuits, Fitzhugh Nagumo, Hindmarsh Rose, Izhikevich, quartic, News |
internships, News |
internships, News |
internships, News |
internships, News |
PhD student, News |
visiting students, News |
device fabrication, Laser Diodes, News |
internships, News |
internships, News |
News |
internships, News |
PhD student, News |
Analog Electronic Circuits, Bio-Impedance, Biomaterials, Controller design, Energy Storage Devices, Fractional calculus, robotics |
communication, Electrical and Power engineering, Estimation, IoT, machine learning, Signal processing |
administrative operations, Faculty Support |
Deep learning, Digital signal processing, Machine learning applications for wireless communication systems, Resource allocation |
fabrication of a serpentine, silicon-based reconfigurable electronic platform |
L’Oréal UNESCO award, News |
resilience, Robustness, Seminar |
applied mathematics, earth science and engineering, marine science, numerical, News |
bioscience, desalination, environmental science and engineering, marine science, News |
News |
award, statistics, News |
Photonics and optoelectronics |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
News |
Asymptotic Performance Analysis, compressible flows, Mach, Numbers, numerical methods, Public Colloquium |
Asymptotic Performance Analysis, gamma-convergence, Graduate Seminar |
Bayesian approach to inference, decision sciences, Seminar |
Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Field Robots, Marine Robotics, Conference |
continuum physics, mathematical modelling, nonlinear PDEs, Partial Differential Equations |
additive manufacturing, Antennas, Microwave circuits, sensors |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Conference |
News |
acoustic signals, audio event recognition, bioacoustics, Seminar |
Automated and scalable algorithms, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
Circuits, News |
Graduate Seminar |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, Conference |
Aerial Robotics, Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Mapping, Marine Robotics, Search and Rescue Robots, Conference |
ASV, Navigation, Observation, Underwater robotics, Conference |
Autonomous Space Robotics, Distributed Space Systems, Flying Robots, Navigation and Control, RobotoKAUST, Conference |
intelligent systems, robotics, Seminar |