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Circuits, fractal capacitors, MEMS, two layers, News
Circuits, PolyMUMPS, r S-band applications, News
mean-field games, PhD Dissertation Defense
PhD Dissertation Defense
UAV for Wireless Communications, Seminar
robust optimization, Signal processing for wireless communications
data mining, machine learning
3D printing, bioimaging, biophotonics, laser, nanoelectronics, photonics, printable electronics, sensors, News
Winter Camp 2018, News
CMOS hybrid circuits, Spin-based electronics
Circuits, Comsol Multiphysics, ICDS, IDEs, News
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks, Stochastic Geometry, UAV-enabled Communication Systems, Seminar
Circuits, gyroidal metamaterials, nonlinear optical response, three-dimensional, News
communication networks, Optical communications, optical wireless communicaitons, photonics, PhD Dissertation Defense
COVID-19, semiconductor, technologies, Ultraviolet, Graduate Seminar
PhD Dissertation Defense
biophysical techniques, crystallography, proteins, structural biology
discrete fracture network, Seminar
uncertainty quantification, Seminar
Environmental Statistics, uncertainty quantification, Seminar
Computer Vision, machine learning, optimization, PhD Dissertation Defense
numerical analysis, numerical methods, News
underwater optical communications, News
underwater optical communications, Underwater wireless optical communication, PhD Dissertation Defense
Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Field Robots, Marine Robotics, Motion Control of Manipulators, Robotics in Hazardous Fields, Conference
underwater video communications
UNESCO chair seminar: Aerial Access Networks for 6G: From UAV, HAP, to Satellite Communication Networks
UNESCO chair seminar: Why are distributed architectures the future of satellite networks?
machine learning, Metasurfaces, Graduate Seminar
Universal Portfolio algorithm, Public Colloquium
Networekd Flying Platforms, UAV, News
applied mathematics, electrical engineering, News
bioscience, Computer science, News
PhD Dissertation Defense
marine science, News
PhD Dissertation Defense
Circuits, neuromorphic computing, Pattern Recognition, pruning, spiking neural networks, STDP, unsupervised learning, News
gradient methods, Regression Models, Seminar
algorithm, Hyperbolic PDEs, numerical methods for PDE's, parabolic-hyperbolic PDE, PDE, SBP, Graduate Seminar
Newsletter, Upcoming Events
Newsletter, Upcoming Events
Newsletter, Upcoming Events
Newsletter, Upcoming Events
Newsletter, Upcoming Events
CPU, GPU, MAGIQ, optimization, RDF engine, RDF graphs, SPARQL queries, sparse matrix algebra, Graduate Seminar
bitcoin, blockchain, cryptocurrency, distributed systems, Internship, mathematics, supercomputing
RobotoKAUST, Conference
bioelectronics, bioscience, News
MIMO, Seminar
coconut palms, palm trees, red palm weevil, News
computational methods, spatio-temporal statistics, Spotlight, News
Graduate Seminar
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics
machine learning, reconfigurable computing
PORT, UV Emitter, Graduate Seminar
Metric graphs, numerical analysis, optimal control problems, Stochastic fractional differential equations
photonics, primalight
bioinformatics, cancer, machine learning, Ontologies, text mining, Thesis Defense
Inductors, inkjet printing, News
inkjet printing, magnetic properties, News
electrical engineering, sensors, News
applied statistics, bioinformatics, Computational biology, data analysis, data mining, machine learning
2D materials, Aptasensors, bioengineering, nanomaterials
byzantine fault tolerance, CAN, embedded systems, Internship, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, intrusion resilience, vehicular networks, vehicular software
optical computing
nanophotonics, Seminar
applied geometry, computational geometry, discrete differential geometry, geometric modeling, geometry processing
artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Deep generative models, Mobile AI, Video Understanding
Deep learning, MIMO radars, Next generation wireless communications, Signal processing
Elgenvalue, FEMSimulation, PDE, Virtual Element Method, Public Colloquium
effective estimation methods, health monitoring, non-measurable variables, optimization, sustainable desalination, virtual sensors, Graduate Seminar
Computer science, human health, modeling, pathogens, News