electrical engineering, signals, News |
Indoor localization, Signal processing, Ultrasonic-based Localization, PhD Dissertation Defense |
applied mathematics, mobile, News |
statistics |
3D understanding, artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Deep learning, robotics, Sports, start-up, Technology Transfer |
Computer Vision, machine learning, robotics, UAV, PhD Dissertation Defense |
computational imaging, Computational Photography, inverse problems |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
analytical instrumentation, University of Liverpool, University of Oxford |
Analysis of PDE's, biological network and complex systems, Gradient flows, Mathematical modeling, Measure theory, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation |
cybersecurity, hardware security, News |
Computer science, environment, statistics, News |
cavities, Circuits, communications, filters, Substrate Integrated Waveguide, wave propagation, News |
News |
computation, Computer science, epigenetics, genomics, News |
earth science and engineering, oceanography, Red Sea, News |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Neuronal ensembles, neuroscience, Stochastiic Variability, Graduate Seminar |
Neuronal ensembles, Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
Conference |
Spotlight, News |
energy storage, IoT, material science and engineering, sensors, News |
Circuits, high-density, memristor, News |
Conference |
Seminar |
Circuits, higher frequencies, News |
Causal Connectivity, Dynamic Clustering, Time Series Analysis |
bioinformatics, Computational biology, machine learning |
bioinformatics, Computational biology, machine learning, News |
5G, Satellite Communications |
Time Series |
nanomaterials, optoelectronics |
communication engineering, Computer science, Seminar |
Autonomous Surface Vehicle, Deep-learning based detection, Multi-object Tracking, Sensor Fusion, Situational Awareness System, Conference |
CVPR, News |
ECCV, News |
Public Colloquium |
deep learning, seismic processing |
Computational biology, machine learning |
Seminar |
machine learning, stochastic algorithm |
Agricultural Automation, Computer Vision for Automation, Field Robots, Industrial Robots, Robotics in Agriculture and Forestry, Conference |
News |
communication protocols, ICT, smart grids, Graduate Seminar |
Research |
healthcare, statistics, News |
image recognition, In-memory computing, in-memory sensing, News |
electrical engineering, In-memory computing, nanofabrication, sensors, News |
Data-Driven, design, forecasting, Load, Market, Meter, Price, Retail, Smart, Graduate Seminar |
CMOS electronics, Multifunctional Electronic Devices, Graduate Seminar |
Smart non volatile memory devices, Graduate Seminar |
drug safety, electrical engineering, sensors, News |
Sensor nodes, Smart sensors, News |
electrical engineering, Electronic tag, marine science, stretchable electronics, News |
electrical engineering, fauna, marine science, News |
Front Page |
electrical engineering, News |
Conference |
Guassian matrices, ISL Highlighted Publications, SNR estimation, News |
News |
Social robot navigation, Graduate Seminar |
satellite communication, Signal processing, Wireless communication |
Graduate Seminar |
software defined network |
Front Page |
energy harvesting, solar energy, underwater optical communications |
Conference |
3D printing, 4D printing, Thesis Defense |
Course |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
applied statistics, Graduate Seminar |
Bayesian computational statistics, ecology, healthcare, statistics, News |
energy, ITER, KAUST, nuclear fission, News |
bioinformatics, Computational biology, Computer Vision, machine learning |
Deep learning, seismology, sensors, sustainability, Spotlight, Awards, News |
communication, Digital signal processing, Mathematical Analysis |
Seminar |
Seminar |
command and control, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Robotics and Control |
numerical analysis, uncertainty quantification |
News |
big data, machine learning, smart grids, STSDS |
Computational finance, Stochastic processes |
News |
artificial intelligence, communications, robotics, wireless networks |
spatio-temporal statistics |
computational fluid dynamics, CFD, Graduate Seminar |
computational imaging, computed tomography, Deep learning, inverse problems, optimization, space-time tomography, PhD Dissertation Defense |
Graduate Seminar |
Sparse approximation, News |