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computational acoustics, computational electromagnetics
Optical wireless communications
Computer Vision, robotics, tracking
Optical communications, Satellite Communications, Stochastic Geometry
clustering algorithms, Spatial data fusion, spatio-temporal data analysis
Ruiqi and Yiming's RIS work is one of the top accessed papers of IEEE TAP
5G antennas, News
computational electromagnetics
artificial intelligence, genome
bioinformatics, computational analysis
algorithms, big data
machine learning, Sound Source Localization, Stochastic Geometry, wireless networks
Statistics of extremes
Computer Engineering
automation, Control Theory, MATLAB, robotics
Environmental Statistics, Statistics of extremes, STSDS
integral equations, numerical analysis, wave propagation, News
electromagnetics, integral equations, inverse scattering, numerical analysis, wave propagation
artificial intelligence, Wireless communication
Safa Khemiri has secured the third prize in the prestigious 4-Minute Thesis (4MT) competition at the IEEE Globecom 2024 conference.
Experimental test design, Supersonic flight
Graduate Seminar
invariance, RobotoKAUST, safe autonomy, verification, Conference
RobotoKAUST, Conference
autonomous driving, decision making, human-robot interactions, RobotoKAUST, Conference
artificial intelligence, healthcare, privacy, News
Indoor localization, ultrasound ranging, wireless monitoring
Next-generation Wireless Networks, Optical Wireless Communication
bioelectronics, healthcare, monitoring
uncertainty quantification
Low complexity sphere decoding, MIMO and Passive radar, MIMO-radar waveform design
Biosensors, chemical sensors, microfluidics
artificial intelligence, machine learning
Delay Tolerant Networks, LoRa, TinyML, Visible light communications
machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless Communications
cadence, Comsol Multiphysics, device fabrication, digital logic design, MEMS
Computer Vision, machine learning
Agent Management, embedded systems, Mobile Agents, optimal control, Space Robotics, Urban Air Management
power generating domestic interfaces, thermoelectric power harvesters
Ontologies, text mining
administrative operations
Sameh Abdulah
exageostat, extreme computing, large-scale computing, machine learning, parallel algorithms, Statistical computing
cognitive radio networks., Indoor localization, network coding, Vehicular networks and intelligent transportation systems, wireless networks
adaptive control, control localization, Control Theory, distributed control, intelligent systems, Multi-agent systems, robotics, wireless sensor networks
big data, machine learning, optimization, statistics
Approximate computing, Signal processing, Stochastic Modeling
Biosensors, flexible electronics, Gas Sensors, memory devices, sensors
inkjet printed electronics
Photonics and optoelectronics, Underwater Optical Wireless Communications and Networking
Biosensors, core-shell nanoparticles, energy conversion, energy storage, Gas Sensors
Biomaterials, Biosensors
bioinformatics, cancer, machine learning, Ontologies, text mining
bioinformatics, cancer, driver mutation, machine learning, text mining, News
Computer Vision, image processing
computer graphics, Computer Vision, image processing, Scientific Visualization
control systems, intelligent systems, robotics
artificial intelligence, genomics, healthcare, statistical methods
artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, computational methods, data mining, News
text mining
high dimensional statistics, Time Series
LiDAR, optical computing
artificial intelligence, High Performance Computing, pipeline, News
energy harvesting, magnetic skin, sensors, News
machine learning, Ultrasonic-based Localization, News
saudi vision 2030, Student Internship Programs, Poster Competition
Internship Program