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cognitive radio systems, communications, FD-MIMO, modulation schemes, optical wireless communication systems
Optical communications
Control Theory, Controller design, solar collectors
automation, Control Theory, intelligent systems, Reinforcement Learning
Active Distribution Network, Hardware in Loop, IEC 61850 standard based communication, Power System Communication
CMOS integrated circuits, Digital signal processing
laser, optoelectronics, spectroscopy
agricultural robotics, automation
data mining, machine learning
numerical analysis, scientific computing
Cooperative relay network, wireless sensor networks
Catastrophic communication, Communication in extreme environments, machine learning, Non-Terrestrial Networks
Bayesian Compressive Sensing, cloud-native for B5G, machine learning, node clustering, Radar imaging, Signal processing, Ultra-wideband communication
inkjet printed devices, sensors, tuning chemistry of electronic ink
AI, BLE communication, Neural Networks, Python
machine learning, Signal and Image Processing, wireless communications.
laser, optics, optoelectronics
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics
artificial intelligence, embedded systems, Frequency selective surfaces, IoT
chaotic systems, computer arithmetic, Memory, memristor, neuromorphic computing, ray-tracing
cloud computing, IoT, statistical signal processing, Wireless Communications, wireless sensor networks
ultra low power CMOS logic devices
bio-corrosion, marine metagenomics, Microbial profiling, microbiome, water quality
control, machine learning, UAV
analog electronics, image processing, machine learning
Deep learning, neural network
Arabic natural language processing
adaptive control, Aerial Robotics, Reinforcement Learning, UAV
composite magnets, MEMS, transducers
communication networks, Intelligent Transportation Systems, millimeter-wave communications, Performance analysis, wireless networks
Cooperative and cognitive systems, Robust adaptive beamforming, Statistical and array signal processing
communication, Hand Gestures Recognition, indoor localization systems, machine learning, signal design, Ultrasonic-based Localization, underwater acoustic localization
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics
underwater optical communications
applied mathematics, Discontinuous Galerkin, entropy analysis, High Performance Computing, nonlinear stability, Physics-informed Neural Networks, SBP-SAT operators
medical electronics., Signal processing
integrated optics, optical fiber communications, photonics, semiconductor optoelectronic devices
smart grids, software development
Applications, electronic system, Signal processing for Wireless Networks
Computer Vision, Deep learning, distributed computing
data integration, human bioinformatics, machine learning, network-based approaches
Mostafa Emara
machine learning, Research Design of Caching Systems using Stochastic Geometry, Statistical Modeling, Stochastic Geometry, wireless networks
Computer Vision, machine learning
Circuit, circuit design, electronics, power electronics
Discriminant analysis., OFDM System, Random Matrix Theory, Signal Applications, Statistical and array signal processing
Compressive Sensing, Distribution Agnostic Bayesian Estimation of Sparse Signals, machine learning, Massive MIMO, Physical layer security
big data analytics, data security
embedded systems, energy harvesting, multiphase meters, oil and gas sensors
Muhammad Dzaky Ivansyah
machine learning, neural network
Antennas, CMOS RFICs, Microwave circuits
convex optimization, Performance analysis of wireless systems, statistical signal processing
Operational Research, Transportation Theory
5G, antenna arrays
wireless sensor networks
AI for healthcare, communication networks, molecular communication, security and reliability analysis of next generation communication networks, Terahertz communications
Cooperative diversity systems, Green communications, Wireless Communications
Statistical Signal Processing and Adaptive Filtering
Computational biology, population genetics, Signal processing
computational electromagnetics, RFICs
control systems, Digital, smart grids
communication systems, Localization, technology advancements.
Internet of Bio-Nano Things, molecular communication, Radio Wave Propagation Modeling, RF Measurements
Biosensors, organic electronics, organic field effect transistors, renewable energy
Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks, Laser Communications, Physical layer security, Stochastic Geometry, UAV-enabled Communication Systems
Cognitive Communication, Green communications, Modulation and coding, Performance analysis
Aerospace, drones, robotics
Computational Photography, Image Statistics, Numerical Optimization
Sensor networks, Signal and Image Processing, Wireless communication
Analysis of PDE's, Conservation Laws
Microgrids, Power electronics, Renewable integrations, Renewable-based power systems
student focus
Wireless Communications
Differential equations, Mathematical modeling, Multi-agent systems
Monte Carlo, Wireless communication
Human Robotic Interaction, Robotic Design, Robotics and Control