electrical engineering, power converters, power grid |
computational fluid dynamics, environmental research, neuroscience, numerical methods |
electronics, energy harvesting, nanotechnology, renewable energy |
Computer Vision, geometric modeling, optimization |
Deep learning, IoT, Wireless Communications |
antenna design, RFID and sensor design |
Computational finance, numerical analysis |
Environmental Statistics, spatial statistics |
nano-fabrications, nanotechnology |
geometric modeling, High Performance Computing, large languaje models, Neural Network training algorithms, numerical simulations, scientific computing |
biomechanics, numerical analysis, scientific computing, solid mechanics |
numerical analysis |
applied mathematics, computational science, earth science and engineering |
Environmental Statistics |
nanomaterials |
bioinformatics, machine learning, neural network, protein structures |
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics |
Computational Strategies, Damage Modeling, Mechanical Degradation |
Network Science, Stochastic Geometry, Wireless Communications |
optoelectronic devices |
control systems, Electric Vehicles, power electronics, power systems, Smart Grid |
Computer Vision, point cloud |
Nonlinear Optics |
convex optimization, Federated learning, machine learning |
numerical methods for PDE's, scientific computing |
applied statistics, machine learning, optimization |
Computer simulations, machine learning, software development |
computational imaging, Deep learning, inverse problems, optimization |
Large bandgap group-III nitrides, light, optoelectronics, photonics, semiconductor laser |
Time Series |
Bayesian computational statistics, statistics |
data management, data mining |
Computer Vision, Deep learning |
data mining, machine learning |
Electromagnetics and optoelectronics, solar energy |
algorithm, Control Theory, energy conversion, power electronics, power systems |
Adaptive Optics, Chaos Shift Keying, FSO/RF Systems, intelligent reflecting surfaces |
Green Process Engineering, Hybrid Processes, Membrance Reactors, Molecular Imprinting, Nanofiltration |