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Graduate Seminar
computing system, machine learning, Public Colloquium
Linear, neural network, Seminar
extreme gradient boosting, light gradient boosting machine, machine learning, PhD Dissertation Defense
Circuits, CMOS, RF, News
Phased arrays design, Telecommunications, Wireless Technology, Graduate Seminar
cloud computing, edge computing, IoT, NFV, SDN
Computer science, environment, modeling, visual computing, News
climate science, statistics, News
electrical engineering, thermal conductivity, Thermoelectric materials, News
climatology, earth science and engineering, Red Sea, News
FSO systems, Seminar
wireless data center networks
electrical engineering, News
Biosensors, System-on-a-chip, wireless sensor networks
LTCC antenna, on-chip antennas
PhD Dissertation Defense
health monitoring, Wireless Communications, News
Cross-layer protocol design, Energy-efficient wireless multihop networks, Stochastic Geometry, News
game theory, Heterogeneous networks, machine learning, Seminar
energy harvesting, Wireless power transfer, Seminar
3D printing, sensors
Computational Photography, computer graphics, inverse methods, optics
machine learning, Seminar
applied geometry, discrete differential geometry, geometry processing, visual computing, Workshop
Environmental Statistics, Statistics of extremes, Workshop
Wireless Communications, wireless sensors networks, News
Environmental Statistics, spatial statistics, Workshop
ChatGPT, Workshop
World Economic Forum celebrates key 6G technological advancements
RF switch, News
flexible, nanoelectronics, sensors, News
Environmental Statistics, spatial varying coefficients regression