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Antennas, News
functional data analysis, multivariate analysis, non-parametric methods, quantile regression, spatial statistics
machine learning
hydrogen energy, nanomaterials, optoelectronics, News
Cognitive radio network, Free-space optical wireless communication, Trajectory optimization
Computer Vision, Deep learning
analysis of contextual information
machine learning, micro and nanofabrication, optical fiber, Optical sensors, optoelectronics
Computer Vision, Industrial automation, Product development
Disordered Plasmonics and Complex Metamaterials
Front Page
Deep learning, LLM, Medical imaging, Security and Privacy
Mathematical Finance
Applied Machine Learning, Applied Partial Differential Equations, mean-field games
numerical analysis, Partial Differential Equations
computational imaging, Computational Photography, computer graphics, efficient GPGPU programming
control, HRI, robotics
conferences and workshops, events
bioinformatics, Knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, neural network
Deep learning, machine learning, numerical analysis
optoelectronic devices
GaN, Large bandgap group-III nitride, molecular beam epitaxy, nanomaterials, Photonics and optoelectronics
Environmental Statistics
Quantitative finance
computational electromagnetics
magnetism, sensors, transducers, News
artificial intelligence, machine learning
computer graphics, data visualisation, numerical simulations
Graph Neural Networks