News |
Climate change impacts on hydroclimatic events, Global spatial and spatio-temporal statistics |
Femtocell deployment and capabilities, MIMO channel decomposition techniques |
Microelectronic circuit design |
data analysis, machine learning |
Differential equations, Dynamical Systems, random process, transportation networks |
front-end, Python, web development |
Bayesian computational statistics, Biostatistics, Survival analysis |
machine learning |
3D object detection, Computer Vision, Deep learning |
control systems, game theory, intelligent systems, robotics, robust control, News |
Drilling engineering technology, engineering geology, geology, wellbore geomechanics |
geometry processing, GPU Computing, visualization |
nanomaterials, solar energy |
computing, numerical analysis |
News |
News |
algorithmic information theory, artificial intelligence, brain-inspired computation, Dynamical Systems, genomics, living systems, machine intelligence, machine learning, single cell biology, spatial transcriptomics, systems medicine, Systems neuroscience |
Computer Vision, Deep learning |
electronics, energy harvesting, nanofabrication technology |
Cognitive radio network, Cooperative relay network, Simultaneous Wireless and Power Transfer, Visible light communications |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning |
FSO systems, Maritime vehicles; teams; modelling, Underwater acoustic and optical communication, Underwater sensor networks, Underwater target detection and localization |
data science, spatio-temporal statistics, statistics |
Green communications, Radio frequency devices |
Materials for blue and UV LEDs, MBE growth, solid-state lighting |
compilation techniques, Computer architecture, software/hardware co-design |
Front Page |
Compressive Sensing, Deep learning |
UV Light Emitting, News |
Near-field massive MIMO systems, Reconfigurable intelligent surface-assisted, Wideband terahertz communications, Wireless Communications |
computer algebra, machine learning |
control systems, Wireless communication |
IoT, Wireless communication |
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics |
photovoltaics, thermoelectric appliances |
chalcogenide-air, News |
News |
Computer architecture, Deep learning, In-memory computing |
applied mathematics, deep learning, PDEs |
machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless communication |
computer graphics, geometry processing |
cooperative technology, Physical layer security, Terahertz communications |
Biosensors, Electromagnetics and optoelectronics, Graph Theory, machine learning, nanomaterials |
News |
3D reconstruction, computational imaging, Numerical Optimization |
3D reconstruction, computational imaging, Spotlight, News |
News |
OFDM with index modulation, Satellite Communications, UV Communications |
SiGe nanotube FET |
functional data analysis, Gaussian processes, Stochastic processes |
News |
News |
PDE, renewable energy, CFD |
News |
data science, healthcare analytics, News |
on-chip antennas, News |
R-INLA, stochastic smoothing pipeline, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Bayesian computational statistics, Bayesian Statistics, PhD Dissertation Defense |
Thesis Defense |
News |
bioelectronics, organic electronics, organic semiconductor |
Functional data, Geospatial Data, INLA, Point patterns, R project, spatial statistics, spatio-temporal statistics |
Photonics and optoelectronics |
Free Space Optics, Wireless communication |
Computational mathematics, mathematical optimization, numerical analysis |
Conference |
computational statistics, Environmental Statistics, spatial statistics, Statistical Modeling, Statistics of extremes |
bioinformatics, Computational biology |
III-Nitride Optoelectronics, Laser Diodes |
machine learning, numeric simulations, quantum algorithms, scientific computing, visual computing |
GaN, Laser Diodes, News |
computational statistics, Environmental Statistics, spatio-temporal statistics, statistics |
embedded systems, energy harvesting, prototyping, sensing platforms |
RF circuits, Wireless Communications |
LEDs, MOVPE, Photocatalysis phenomena |
Computer Vision for Automation, Deep-learning based detection, Embedded system developing, machine learning, MIMO radars, Programming language, radar applications, Radar imaging |
Visible light communications |
machine learning, Numerical solution of differential equations, Probabilistic robotics |