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Biosensors, Electrochemical Sensors, non‐fullerene organic, P3HT, solar cells, News
Gas Sensors, IGZO based toxic gas detection system, NO2, thin film transistor TFT, News
Gas Sensors, gas sensors integrated NO2 gas detector, organic field effect transistors, parylene C encapsulation, PDVT10, News
Circuits, energy harvesting, Fully printed 3D, rectenna, RF, News
Flexible and Disposable Wireless Sensors, Fully Printed, Graduate Seminar
Circuits, Single Binary Oxide, thin film transistor TFT, News
Fully integrated gas sensing systems, Graduate Seminar
PhD Dissertation Defense
functional data analysis, spatio-temporal statistics, Graduate Seminar
behavioral analysis, collective, Differential Equation, Functional, Models, Public Colloquium
Differential Equation, Functional, Graduate Seminar
Bayesian Prediction, Biomedical Engineering, Signal processing, Sparse Recovery, Tracking of Sparse Signals
PhD Dissertation Defense
Graduate Seminar
Antennas, News