device performance, Micro-LEDs, Selective thermal oxidation(STO), Graduate Seminar |
Dark Vision, Eye, Sensory, Subsurface, Wellbore, Graduate Seminar |
data assimilation, Course |
data assimilation, Course |
control systems, flood monitoring, UAV, Seminar |
data assimilation, real time estimation, Workshop |
Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, Deep learning, Lecture |
Graduate Seminar |
hierarchical computations, Graduate Seminar |
Deep learning, machine learning, Nanyang Technological University, Course |
Deep learning, machine learning, Nanyang Technological University, Course |
decision trees, switching networks, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
probabilistic optimization, uncertainty quantification, Graduate Seminar |
Seminar |
Mathematics and Applications Colloquium |
Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Field Robots, Mapping, Marine Robotics, Conference |
Deep learning, Graduate Seminar |
Deep learning, scientific computing, Graduate Seminar |
approximation, deep neural networks, Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Graduate Seminar |
computational predictions, data mining, healthcare, machine learning, Seminar |
optoelectronics, photonics, ultraviolet wavelengths, PhD Dissertation Defense |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Lecture |
Graduate Seminar |
operational security, resilient computing, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
cybersecurity, dependability, fault tolerance, Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Jan 13, 14:30 - 15:30, Derivation of cross-diffusion models in population dynamics: dichotomy, time-scales, and fast-reaction (B1, L3, R3119), Cinzia Soresina, Montalcini Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Trento, Italy
Mathematics and Applications Colloquium |
Gradient flows, minimization, Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo Methodology, Graduate Seminar |
Design and analysis of surveys, Lecture |
MIT, Graduate Seminar |
sensors, Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Seminar |
Controller design, FEMSimulation, Geometricandmaterial nonlinearities, RobotoKAUST, SoftActiveMaterial, Conference |
artificial intelligence, data science, Deep learning, machine learning, Graduate Seminar |
Digital signal processing, Seminar |
Lecture |
nonlinear models, numerical methods, PDE, Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Calibration and Identification, Field Robots, Marine Robotics, Conference |
Conference |
connect communities, smart systems, Graduate Seminar |
Domain-Specific Accelerators, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Development of Visible VCSELs, Graduate Seminar |
GPU, PDEs, petsc, Shaheen, supercomputing, Public Colloquium |
biometrics, dictionary attacks, payment authorization, user authentication, Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Differential privacy, Neighborhood of model validation, Symmetry testing, Seminar |
Public Colloquium |
data science, genomics, global digital health strategy, ICT, owner privacy, risks, Seminar |
Partial Differential Equations, Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
differential geometry, discrete conformal mappings, mathematics, Lecture |
Graduate Seminar |
computer graphics, discrete laplacians, polygons, polyhedra, Lecture |
developable strips, Geometry, geometry processing, Lecture |
Graduate Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Graduate Seminar |
effective tracking capability, Free Space Optical Systems, FSO systems, optical space shift keying, Seminar |
statistics, Seminar |
Multi-agent systems, Nonconvex problems, RobotoKAUST, stochastic optimization, Conference |
Distributed algorithms, nonexpansive operators, Graduate Seminar |
communication systems, Seminar |
5G networks, Future, Seminar |
GPU Algorithms, hierarchical matrices, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
distributed systems, robotics, Graduate Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
Conference |
Conference |
Conference |
Conference |
Conference |
RobotoKAUST, Conference |
Conference |
Conference |
Conference |
Conference |
RobotoKAUST, Conference |
Conference |
RobotoKAUST, Conference |
Conference |
RobotoKAUST, Conference |
Thesis Defense |
Drilling Mechanics, Graduate Seminar |
aerodynamic simulations, Driving, innovation, Graduate Seminar |
Computational biology, Deep learning, graph mining, machine learning, PhD Dissertation Defense |
Conference |