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data mining, Natural Language Processing, text mining
Critical Infrastructure Protection, cybersecurity, Distributed Systems Security, On-line Social Networks
Front Page
Marine Robotics, Conference
Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Manipulation Planning, Marine Robotics, planning, Scheduling and Coordination, Conference
game theory, swarm robotics, News
RobotoKAUST, Poster Competition
RobotoKAUST, Competition
algorithm, image-capture, remote-piloting, UAV, News
Graduate Seminar
chaos, control system synthesis, linear matrix inequalities, linear systems, News
geometry processing, physical simulation, Lecture
applied mathematics, biomechanics, cardiac simulation, computational mechanics, contact problems, Domain Decomposition, Finite elements, fluid-structure interactions, geology, HPC, machine learning, medicine, Multigrid, Multiphysics Simulation, Numerical Optimization, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, optimization, software development
Front Page
Electronic devices, sensors, News
computer graphics, data analysis, visualization
Electromagnetics and optoelectronics, Fluid Mechanics, microfluidics, News
UV LED, News
new metalens architecture, News
laser, News
2D materials characterization, device fabrication, optoelectronics
Signal Applications, Signal processing, Wireless communication
electromagnetic waves, infrared energy, News
nanomaterials, photonics
PhD Dissertation Defense
Applied Machine Learning, FMCW radar, Wireless communication
Spotlight, News
computational acoustics, computational electromagnetics
Optical wireless communications
Computer Vision, robotics, tracking
Optical communications, Satellite Communications, Stochastic Geometry
clustering algorithms, Spatial data fusion, spatio-temporal data analysis
Ruiqi and Yiming's RIS work is one of the top accessed papers of IEEE TAP
5G antennas, News
computational electromagnetics
artificial intelligence, genome
bioinformatics, computational analysis
algorithms, big data
machine learning, Sound Source Localization, Stochastic Geometry, wireless networks
Statistics of extremes
Computer Engineering
automation, Control Theory, MATLAB, robotics